

    Quantifying quick wins amidst solar energy market changes

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    Summary: Evaluated the status quo and past UX Research at EIGENSONNE amidst market challenges, identifying quick wins to improve the user experience of the sign-up process.



    Assessed UX, highlighted usability issues, and pinpointed quick wins for improvement amid market challenges.



    Joined in July 2023 as the first full-time UX Researcher, six months after a new website release. The company faced a significant drop in demand in Spring 2023, leading to bankruptcy in December 2023.


    Research Goal:

    Evaluate Usability, User Experience, and Market impact on Conversion Rate post-website release, identifying UX baseline, gaps, and short-term wins.



    • Stakeholder Interviews
    • A/B Testing
    • Qualitative Insights Synthesis
    • User Recordings Review

    Timeline, Tools, Resources:

    • 2 Months
    • Google Analytics, Clarity, Optimizely

    What I did:

    • Reviewed quantitative data in Google Analytics and Clarity
    • Conducted 6 stakeholder interviews
    • Analyzed 50 user recordings


    • Majority of most visited landing page visitors use mobile devices.
    • 75% of mobile users experience a one-second lag using the Sales Wizard.
    • Usability issues identified through rage clicks and bounce rate during Sales Wizard interaction.
    • Low engagement with Sales Wizard, coupled with stakeholder interviews, suggests hesitation among first-time visitors for an immediate 10,000 EUR purchase for personal energy solutions.

    Key Learnings:

    • Improved understanding of UX's impact on conversion rates post loss of Product-Market Fit.
    • Enhanced skills in managing stakeholder expectations.
    • Emphasized transparent communication in acknowledging UX research limitations amid foundational Product-Market Fit challenges.